Online Educational Talks

Chinese American Parent Association of Howard County (CAPA-HC) has been holding zoom online talks for school age children since April 9, 2020. We want to thank Howard County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) for sponsoring this activity.

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Meeting ID: 919 2484 9263      Passcode:  319498

Weekly Talks 2022

Topic: What to Do After a Car Accident?

Time: May 13, 2022 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Speaker: Jason A. Plotkin, Esq.

In this CAPA Educational Talk, we will discuss what to do after a car accident. Plotkin will discuss dealing with other driver(s), police, property damage, insurance companies and medical providers.

Topic: Starting High Schools at A Later Time

Time: April 22, 2022 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Speaker: Dr. Yun Lu and Dr. Chao Wu

Starting high school in a later time in the morning has potential benefits such as reducing teenage anxiety and depression, decreasing chances of automobile accidents, or improving test scores. HCPSS had discussed about a later high school starting time for decades until summer 2021 when it decided to move forward with implementing this decision.

Please join our guest speakers to learn about this decision’s impact on your child.

The Talk will be conducted in English. The Q & A session will be in Chinese and English.


Topic: 华人自身以及家庭安全防御系列讲座

Time: March 18 & 25, 2022 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Speaker: 张博

从事IT行业,业余多年致力于提升美国华人生活安全以及如何安全并且合法使用各种防卫工具,推动华人社区安全的群体免疫。是 大费城华人自卫家防协会创始人,常年积极参与各种实用射击运动及比赛

第一场讲如何进行被动防御,主要是从不要成为一个在犯罪份子眼里的Easy Target角度来应对。



Topic: Leadership’s Assumption Problem

Time: February 18, 2022 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Speaker: Jeffrey Page

Jeffrey Page, Author of “Becoming a Student of Leadership – Making Leadership a Practice” with over 30 years of professional experience building and leading high-performing teams.

What is the secret to becoming an effective and inspiring leader? If we’re lucky, most of us can think of at least one time in our career when we had the good fortune to work with a great leader — someone who led with the pull of inspiration, rather than the push of will power. But why is this experience so rare?! Why do many of us tend to have more experiences with bad leaders?

Topic: Accessing Mental Health Care in Our Community

Time: January 21, 2022 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Speaker: Leah Bulka, LMSW; Dr. Cynthia Schulmeyer

Many of us are experiencing increased stress, anxiety, and social isolation due to challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Where can we go in Howard County for information, resources, and treatment options to improve our emotional health and wellbeing? Who can we call when we’re worried about a friend or family member in crisis? What resources exist to help access mental health care in our community? It can be difficult to know where to start when looking for help with behavioral health concerns. Join the Howard County Health Department and the Howard County Public School System for a talk about accessing mental health care in our community.